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਀ഊ ਀ഊ EchoesA ਀ഊ Stranger in the House
਀ഊ He came for her in the night--to that ਀ഊ place where she felt most secure.  ਀ഊ for a brief instant she was his...but ਀ഊ somehow she escaped.
਀ഊ Next time it will be different…
਀ഊ Everything changed for Christie McCoy ਀ഊ when a madman brutally invaded and ਀ഊ shattered her world.  Now she will ਀ഊ never feel save until she knows why ਀ഊ someone would attack her in her own ਀ഊ home...and who would want her dead.  ਀ഊ Christie must venture into the shadows ਀ഊ of her own life--terrified, vulnerable ਀ഊ and alone--to unmask the dark intruder ਀ഊ who destroyed her dreams--before the ਀ഊ maniac comes for her ਀ഊ again.
"A ਀ഊ fascinating story I couldn't put down." ਀ഊ Susan Squires, NYT Bestselling author ਀ഊ


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਀ഊ ਀ഊ Haunting Beauty, August 2009                ਀ഊ ਀ഊ Haunting Warrior cover
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਀ഊ ਀ഊ Web of Smoke, 1994
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਀ഊ ਀ഊ Echoes, 2004
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਀ഊ ਀ഊ Whispers, 2006
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