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਀ഊ ਀ഊ Whispers
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਀ഊ ਀ഊ WhispersIf ਀ഊ you listen hard enough…
਀ഊ Diablo Springs—once a boomtown of ਀ഊ gamblers, outlaws and miners. Now a ਀ഊ place where shifting sands whisper only ਀ഊ of torment and loss…a place where ਀ഊ shadows lure the unsuspecting into its ਀ഊ abyss. It is where Gracie Beck was ਀ഊ raised, but she never called it home. ਀ഊ When she left that place, she never ਀ഊ looked back…
You ਀ഊ will hear their whispered warnings… ਀ഊ
਀ഊ Now Gracie finds she’s inherited the ਀ഊ Diablo Springs Hotel from her ਀ഊ grandmother and, with it, a curse that ਀ഊ has haunted her family for over a ਀ഊ hundred years. As she begins to unearth ਀ഊ long-buried secrets, she unleashes a ਀ഊ force that threatens everyone she cares ਀ഊ about. And when the one man she has ਀ഊ tried to forget unexpectedly returns to ਀ഊ Diablo Springs to find inspiration for ਀ഊ his next novel, Gracie knows that a dark ਀ഊ and desperate chapter in the story of ਀ഊ her family must finally be written....
਀ഊ "Shock waves from the past ਀ഊ jolt the present in this haunting tale ਀ഊ of danger and suspense." ਀ഊ Rebecca York, USA Today bestselling ਀ഊ author


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਀ഊ ਀ഊ Haunting Beauty, August 2009                ਀ഊ ਀ഊ Haunting Warrior cover
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਀ഊ ਀ഊ Web of Smoke, 1994
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਀ഊ ਀ഊ Echoes, 2004
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਀ഊ ਀ഊ Whispers, 2006
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